Au Milieu Des Sepultures lyrics

Song information

Artist: Dark Sanctuary
Album: De Lumière Et D'obscurité


[Music and lyrics by hylgaryss]

La tristesse éternelle d'un ange sur la terre
De grandes fontaines de larmes coulant à l'infini
Les yeux noirs de cet être, fixant la pierre
Tombée d'une sculpture durant la nuit

L'enfer a doucement touché notre sol
Mais de la mort il est si las
Que même le paradis le désole
Mourir pour cet empire de glace ?

De roses est recouvert le tombeau
Que foulera l'ange mélancolique
Sa main encore posée sur le berceau
De sa triste sculpture idyllique


[Amidst the graves]

[Music and lyrics by hylgaryss]

The eternal sadness of an angel on earth
Huge fountains of tears flowing eternally
The black eyes of this being staring at the piece of stone
Fallen from a sculpture in the night

Hell has softly touched the ground
But of death he is so tired
That even paradise makes him sad
Am I to die for that frozen empire ?

Roses cover the tomb
That shall be trodden by the melancholic angel
His hand still on the cradle
Of its sad idyllic sculpture

[Translated from french by pandora]