Same Old Song lyrics

Song information

Artist: Dream Child
Album: Torn Between Two Worlds


We think we die for our ideals
We only die for business deals
One,two,you march
One,two,you die !!!
Oohohooho! oohohooho!
Oh,noooooo... right!

Nations say they don't want war
Why do they build weapons for
If it's not to even the score?

They want to increase their industries
Giving birth to new technologies
That will end people's life

Their mouth is full of lies
When they need you and i

Their needs of power
Will set the world in fire
If we don't stand,we'll reach the end
So understand,come on my friends..

When will they realize
That all they do is wrong
We'll refuse to hold their guns
To satify their will
It's justthe same old song,nooh..

For them it seems it's just a game
Every day their rules are more insane
Leading us to pain

They like to build and to destroy
Treating us just as their toys
They easily employ

For them the agony
Was just necessary !

They will make,the history
Just repeat again
If we don't stand,we'll lose our aim
So understand,come on my friends..

Is there someone out there
To stop this road to nowhere
Do the power,change the wise men
In mercyless greedy men?
It's just the same old song..
Just the same,old !(six times)
It's just the same old song..

What will be left for children
If war's an education ?
Will they be,hearthless prsons
That just need a gun ?

Money is,just the name of
The game they play so well
They want us to stand
For thair pure ideal
But their heaven is just hell !
It's just the same old song..
The same old song..