Krvava Gruda - Plodna Zemlja lyrics

Song information

Artist: Laibach
Album: Nova Akropola


Socna je zemlja v vecerni goreci luci
Strast blaznih ocetov nas do zadnjega muci

Dali so nam oci, da v njih se pijanost pretaka
Dali so nam roke, gresne plodove mrake

Ljubimo zemljo bolestno, kakor so oni ljubili
Ljubimo nijh sive glave, plodnost so nam podelili

Krvava gruda-plodna zemlja

[English translate: bloody ground - fertile land]

Rich is the earth in the burning evening light
The passion of our mad fathers is tormenting us to the last

They gave us eyes that drunkeness decants inside them
They gave us hands - the sinful fruits of twilight

We love our land sorrowfully as they loved it
Their grey heads we love, fertility they gave us

Bloody ground-fertile land