Lincoln's Eyes lyrics

Song information

Artist: Mercury Rev
Album: All Is Dream


What explodes like a fractal
Pops like a light bulb
Looks really awful
At four in the morning
Moves with a dead stare
Coils around your ankles
Fangs long as neckties
And strikes without warning
What implodes like a zeppelin
Cracks like a pavement
Smokes in the basement
And know when your lying
Comes to a dead stop
Forgives you like jesus
Cold as a windchill
With eyes like abe lincoln
What is dark like a birthmark
Pulls like a magnet
Male and female
And covets like a dragon
Grows to a shark length
Contracts to amoeba
Lives in your soul
And loves you like I do
What appears like an angel
Stabs like a dagger
Fills you with light
And bleeds you of matter
Comes to a dead stop
Forgives you like jesus
Hands you a love
Only found in the vedas
What explodes like a fractal
Pops like a light bulb
Strolls in like joel gray
At four in the morning
Armed with a big nose
Fragile as a sea horse
Lives in your soul
And loves you like I do