Consume... lyrics

Song information

Artist: Mortal Decay
Album: Sickening Erotic Fanaticism


Bodies dismembered artfully. twisted heaps of human debris slaughtered with joyous intent, geniously butchered. splattered
Famished corpses in the process of decay. a sanguinary lust to jugulate, decapitate... or debone, gutt, disembowel, I feast on
Carnal remains. bodies horrificly masticated lie rotting in my polyandrium. gouged carcasses gourmandized. bodies blended
Reduced to mush. pureed innards liquefy transposed to a human goulash. corpses skinned, diced, then cooked. human meat my
Delicacy. I long for you, I long for your decay. unearthly devourment, a human recipe so edible. esculent decadence resulting in
Eupepsia. excruciate, hear the whimpers of the suffering. succulent corpses lying in their own intestines. inhuman, cannibalistic
Pulchritude. consume the rancid gore