The Mitosis Waltz lyrics

Song information

Artist: Moxy Früvous
Album: The C Album


[In thick german accents]

If it's ze secrets of life that you seek
Zen srough (through) a mi-croscope you must peek!

Mendel did vonders just using his eye
But to really see, you must magnify
You can't help but notice ve're nossing (nothing) but cells
But vhere in ze cell does heredity dvell?

The nu-cleus! that's vhere it hides
You don't see much until it divides
Then chro-masomes enter new phases
Split into two, und zat is ze basis

Of sexual transmission vhich olvays engrosses
Our feverish minds, but it's only meiosis
Reducing zee chromasomes fifty percent
So vhen egg and sperm meet at zat blessed event

Ze chro-masomes form one full set
Just two of each kind, zat's ze best best!

And that new cell begins to grow
Multiplies into an em-bryo
Ze ex-plana-tion of zis growth
Is it's due to a process ve know as mitosis!

And zat's vhat our microscopes helped us determine
In germany, vhere un ze germ cells are german!