I lyrics

Song information

Artist: Negura Bunget
Album: 'n Crugu Bradului


Poarta-a vintului incet deschide, aspru suier 'ncet purcede
Iarna incuiata, codru inverzit
Alb si negru sa-mpleteste, timpu tainic daspleteste
Picatura pica, piatra sa daspica
Hora sa-nvirteste, apa daspleteste, ghiata inchegata
Da vechi timp purtata, din miaz munte da piatra;
Samn ca timpu sa porneste. dalasine. si p' ales fagas
La-ndasitu codrilor, in glasu vinturilor
Si-n umbra pietrii, chip sfrintat, 'n munte, 'n 'nalt ceahlau
Ce din gheata inghetata, lua forma ce-i fu data. vesnic!
Chiparus... prin para si foc, vijelios... joc;
Ca prin foc sa arza, dincolo sa treaca, prin jar si cenusa
Sus pe calea cea apusa, ce-a alesului fagas
Frati blajini, rohmani! din aievea fiind, da dupa apa simbetii
Dupa brazda lu novac
Din scorbu pamintului, al din naltu muntelui
Muntelui caruntului, s-al bradului
Bradului, viteazului
La virfsori da munte, la bradui marunti, la stina batrina
Unde iarba creste, da-n patru sa-mpleteste
Cerbu runcului, fiara cimpului, s-a pamintului, agale-n plai coboara..
Toti copaci in calea sa, crengile-s pleca
Coarnele-i margaritare s-impunzatoare
Laganat purtat, spre al tainic loc, fagas
Cum urzica sa nunteste, sa-nunteste s-nfloreste
Din intins cuprins da lume, scaun da lege sa aduna
Vorba sa o spuna, raspicat si pentru tati
Legea bitii si cea fricii. drept!
Pieptu ursului brazdat
Da focu viu, da dupa strimba oilor
In mijlocu poienilor, si-n mijlocu padurilor
Flacara-i rasfringe, si din foc si singe
Mugur verde da brad, imbucat, insingerat... s-ntrupat... dascatusat
D-aci, incotro... dincolo..

[English translation:]

Open gates of wind, a whistle slowly crawling in
Locked winter, greened forests
Black and white are blending secretly untwining time
The drop falls, splitting the rock
The round dance starts to circle untwining waters; the strong ice
Which has long traveled, from the rocky mountain's heart;
A sign: the beginning of time. by itself. on the chosen path
At the forest's heart, in the wind's whispering
In the rock's shadow... a sculptured face on the heights of ceahlau mountain
Which, from icy ice, took the shape it had been given. forever!
Pepper... through flames and fire, stormy... game;
Burned in fire, through embers and ashes, crossing beyond
Upwards on a faded path - that of the chosen path
Kind-hearted brothers, rohmani! coming from the real, from beyond apa simbetii
Beyond novac's furrow
From the heart of the earth, in the mountains high
The grayish mountains, and of the fir tree
Fir tree... the brave!
In the mountains high, through the small firs, at the old sheepfold
Where the grass grows, interweaving four by four
Stag of the defrosted realm, beast of the fields and of the earth, slowly descending..
The trees in his way they all bend their branches
His goading antlers like pearls
Swinging gait... towards the secret place - the path
Stinging nettle sprouting, and blooming
From the vastness of the world a law is taking shape
To utter the word, bluntly, and for all
Law of the club and of the fear. true!
Furrowed bear chest
By the living fire, from beyond strimba oilor
At the heart of the clearings, at the heart of the woods
Its flame throws back, and from fire and blood
Green fir's bud, gobbled up, stained with blood... embodied... unchained
From here, to where... beyond..
The path!